Sunday, November 2, 2014

Entry #1 - My Opinion On Blogs

There are many different kinds of blogs out there. What kind of blogs appeal to me? I follow so many blogs on my tumblr and there are so many things that I enjoy seeing on my dashboard. Here are just a few of my favorites. 

David Michael Bennett's Blog

So this one may be a bit biased. This is David Michael Bennett's tumblr blog. You probably won't care much for this one unless you like the band Steam Powered Giraffe. He's very informative about all of the band's happenings and he also posts some pretty funny things on occasion. 

The blog Psych2go is a psychology blog on tumblr. They discuss anything from personality traits to the basic functions of the human brain. I've learned many things from them and they post new things almost daily. If you take interest in psychology be sure to check them out.

This blog focuses on art and visual details. They post many interesting things about art from around the world. I only recently started following them but they post many amazing things. If you like art you'll like them I'm sure.

So what kind of blogs do you like? There are so many kinds of people out there and so many different interests. You may discover something new if you follow a blog you never thought about following. Why don't you try it out?

~The Final Spark, Rin

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