I'm sure many of you spend a lot of time on the internet doing useless things. You know. Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, etc... Well I bet you didn't know about many other useless websites.
I'd like to introduce TheUselessWeb.com
This website will redirect you to a "useless" website with just the click of a button. Feeling bored? No problem! You can just click the big pink button and explore some fun websites. I discovered this website about a year ago and completely forgot about it until recently. I like to go on here when I'm feeling burned out and need a place to go to ease my mind.
The website has an immense collection of websites and you will rarely be taken to the same one twice.
IF YOU HAVE EPILEPSY DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE. http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/
I cannot stress this enough. I just wanted to give you a heads up just in case.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this website as much as I do!
~The Final Spark, Rin
Rin--Good topics and ideas. Pretty good development.